Join us for our 11th Annual “Salute Our Veterans” Motorcycle Ride on Saturday, August 16, 2025
Wagner Motorsports,
700 Plantation Street,
Worcester, MA, 01605
Check-in begins at 9:30 AM.
Kickstands up at 11:30 AM.
Fun & Food until 4:00 PM.
Ride ends at Vernon Hill American Legion Post #435,
267 Providence Street,
Worcester, MA 01607.
All proceeds will benefit local Veterans by funding programs through Project New Hope, Inc.
Police Escorted Ride
Lunch by Texas Roadhouse
Music by Far From Eden
And much much more!
Sponsorship Information:
Platinum Sponsor: $1000, 4 Ride Tickets and 4 tee-shirts, Logo on back of ride tee-shirt, 4 catered lunch admissions, Logo included on the banner hung at lunch site. Company logo on social media Platforms, Special recognition from podium at opening ceremony & lunch.
Gold Sponsor: $500, 2 Ride tickets and 2 tee-shirts, Logo on the back of ride tee-shirt, 2 catered lunch admissions, Logo included on banner hung at lunch site, Company logo on social media Platforms, Special recognition from the podium at lunch.
Silver Sponsor: $250, 1 Ride ticket and one tee-shirt, Logo on back of ride tee-shirt, one catered lunch admission, Company logo on social media platforms.
RIDE with US!
The deadline for sponsor artwork / logo submissions is July 17, 2024.
All artworks should be submitted either as a .JPEG or .TIF.
Files should be sent to Mike Booth at hogsobmmc@gmail.com or 978-833-9801
Please make a check made payable to: Project New Hope, Inc.
Mail it to:
Project New Hope, Inc
70 James Street, Suite 155
Worcester, MA 01603