Meet the Founder
William H. (Bill) Moore, MA
Executive Director of Project New Hope, Inc.
USAF Disabled Veteran
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Retired)
Bill was born and raised in Worcester, Mass and while serving in the United States Air Force as a Crash Rescue Firefighter, Bill was injured and discharged honorably with a service connected disability.
Bill attended Assumption College under the GI Bill. He earned his Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling in 2000, Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies in 1996 and an Associate in Science from Quinsigamond Community College in 1992.
Prior to starting Project New Hope Inc., Bill held numerous positions in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beginning as a laborer with the Metropolitan District Commission, a Juvenile Corrections Worker for the Department of Youth Services, an Adolescent Social Worker with the Department of Social Services and a Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists with Workforce Central Division of Career Services. He retired from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 2007.
After attending a weekend retreat in 2010 with Project New Hope of Minnesota and talking with founder Bruce Billington, Bill established his own independent 501c3 Non-Profit in Massachusetts in January 2011 called Project New Hope Inc. Bill is the President & CEO of Project New Hope, Inc., a voluntary position he holds today. Mr. Moore is the recipient of the distinguished Armed Forces Committee of Worcester County Award of Merit 2014; Key to the City of Worcester, Massachusetts 2014; Captain Thomas J. Hudner Hero Award and Citizen’s Bank Champion in Action 2015; Bronze Patrick Henry Award by the Worcester Chapter the Military Order of World Wars 2020; Recipient Department of the Army Meritorious Civilian Service Award 2021.
Today, Bill lives in Leicester, Massachusetts with his wife Donna. Bill is the proud father of five children Curtis, Erika, Jason, Erin, and Caisse and seven wonderful grandchildren Aiden, Kian, Branch, Brady, Gordon, Lorena, and Brook.