Soul Injury Veterans Retreat
How Did the Retreat Go?
– Great location, food was excellent, loved the various alternative therapies (reiki, reflexology, etc.)
– Thank you all so much for making this retreat possible.
– I loved the presenter- she is so knowledgeable and has been extremely helpful. I had a busy week so the 1st session Friday was late. I felt in a daze. I could see however that it touched people. The topic is so relevant.
– I found Ritch Ryan to be my favorite part. I learned how to control my breathing in a new way. I liked how there was an opportunity to go to AA @ night. I liked networking with other people.
– So grateful for the opportunity to be around other Veterans learning new techniques to help process some difficult emotions and hopefully learn to live with them better. The retreat facility was beautiful and had great trails to walk on and enjoy the beautiful autumn weather. The food was fantastic and the PNH staff is so loving and helpful. The holistic practitioners and the workshops are amazing! Thanks for all you do!!!
Soul Injury is Defined as:
1. An overlooked, unassessed wound that separates us from our own sense of self.
2. An aching wound perpetuated by unmourned loss, unforgiven guilt/shame, and diminished self-compassion that is often manifested as a sense of emptiness, loss of meaning, or a sense that a part of self is missing or in exile.
3. A long-lasting response to a person or situation that causes one to feel personally defective, inadequate, or unworthy.
Three powerful workshops will embolden us to connect with our own Soul Injury: Re-Own, Re-Home, and then Re-Vitalize those scattered, once disowned pieces of ourselves.
A $50 fee will be required at registration, and will be fully refunded at the completion of the retreat. Our retreats are 100% drug and alcohol free. All lodging, meals and activities are provided to Veterans free of charge. Transportation to or from retreat not included.
Retreat registration closes two weeks prior to the start date.
Proof of Military Service (no exceptions). Military ID, DD-214, VA Health Care Card or Driver’s License with “Veteran” on license will be required before attending retreat.
Mail, fax or email Proof of Military Service.
Project New Hope Inc.
70 James Street, Suite 129A
Worcester, MA 01603
Fax: 508-304-9245

- October 18-20, 2019
- Grotonwood Conference Center
167 Prescott Street
Groton, MA 01450
- Presenter:
Louise Sutherland
United States Army