Combat Women’s Veterans Retreat
How Did the Retreat Go?
– Always a relaxing and bonding retreat, love the very peaceful Genesis Retreat facility.
– These retreats provide me with much needed breaks from my hectic life. I appreciate the Art and Holistic and Wellness therapies and sessions od self-awareness. I especially appreciate the opportunity to share stories of triumph and challenges with other women Veterans. Massage was very beneficial, loosened tense muscles and I encourage others to take advantage of these retreats.
– Reflexology was a new experience I didn’t know anything about it, and it was the most relaxing thing.
– The most beneficial activity was having a safe place to let go of emotions and create space for new things. I really enjoyed the “Insight Timer” app that was shared with us.
– The most beneficial activity was the rest, relaxation and meeting all the interesting and strong women Veterans. Everyone was great, Donna and Sue were excellent and very friendly. The activities were very interesting and relaxing, and I look forward to attending another retreat.
– The most beneficial activity was Massage, Meditation, Yoga and Breathing Exercise.
– The most beneficial activity was the Red Cross Workshops, interesting activities, and beneficial exercises to help refocus. Donna and Susan were great in ensuring everything ran smoothly and everyone know what was going on and where. The workshops and wellness activities were great and well suited to exposing us to things we hadn’t tried or experienced before. The retreat was great, and I enjoyed the fellowship with other combat women Veterans.
– The most beneficial activity was connecting with other Women Veterans. I went from feeling like an island to feeling like a community. it was relaxing and I learned a lot, it helped me see things differently.
This retreat is now full
Are you a Combat woman Veteran looking to spend time with other female Veterans and discuss issues unique to female Veterans? If so, this Project New Hope Inc. retreat may be right for you. Workshops discussing such topics as Wellness through lifestyle changes, techniques for coping with trauma caused by sexual assault, moral injury or other traumatic events and resiliency.
(What Documents May I Need to Show That I Was in Combat?) A Combat Action Badge, Combat Medical Badge, Combat Infantry Badge, Medal of Honor, and Purple Heart are just a few examples. You can also offer proof that you got hazardous duty pay to prove your service in a war.
In addition to workshops, the retreat will include a variety of Holistic sessions such as – Acupuncture, Massage, Meditation, Reiki, Reflexology and timeout for self-discovery and personal growth.
Lodging, meals, and activities are all provided at no cost to participant, there is a $50 dollar registration fee that is refunded one week after completion of retreat. You must arrange your own transportation to and from Westfield, MA.
Please send questions to Sue at or call (508) 762-9738
- March 24-26, 2023
- Genesis Spiritual Life & Conference Center
53 Mill Street
Westfield, MA 01085